20th March 2024
Changing Seasons
Finally...the first day of Spring! Dreamy. Lambs frolicking in the fields, green shoots making an appearance, freshly cut grass filling the air, weekend mowers humming in the distance... Spring conjures up a whole host of sights, smells and colours. It's all to come.
The other thing we adore about spring has to be freshly hung laundry...outside. Yes, outside...pegged on the line...pure joy. There is something transformative about outdoor air drying - has anyone else shoved their faces into the sheets as you take them off the line at the end of the day? Please say yes, or is that just us...? If only that scent and feeling could be bottled.

There's also the immense feel good factor from the fact that air drying avoids excessive CO2 emissions. We all know that tumble dryers are absolute horrors when it comes to energy guzzling. They're hungry beasts. According to Earth911, on average, each load of laundry washed in hot water and tumble dried releases 3.3kg of carbon dioxide. The dryer makes up almost 6% of home energy use. So, with the warmer weather, out comes the washing line. Now, not everyone has gardens conducive to a washing line, but even popping the airer outside does the trick.
The other factor we're trying to encourage is less washing in the first place. Good old fashioned spot washing seems to have gone out of style. Bring it back we say! Family laundry is especially endless, but even a few less items in the load plays a small part in helping reduce emissions.
Lastly, this might just be us, but line drying is therapeutic. It's time outside. It's feeling like you're making the right choice. It's saving you money. Hey, you might even chat to a neighbour whilst hanging your undies out to dry. Ouch.. Anyway, small steps are the way forward and with the spring finally here, we're checking the weather, working out when we can line dry and attempting to plan our washing accordingly. Again, not everyone can do this (small babies and intermittent laundry aren't a perfect pair), but IF you can, why not try it?
Check out our care guide here for more info on specific washing instructions for our different fabric types.